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Prabakar Kumar

OnBase Professional and Managed Services from 3SG Plus

At 3SG Plus, we believe your OnBase enterprise content management (ECM) system is more than a tool. It’s a strategic asset designed to deliver on the following objectives: drive operational excellence, foster collaboration, and support your organization’s long-term growth and success.

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Prabakar Kumar

Empowering Local Government Agencies: 3SG Plus OnBase Success Stories

At 3SG Plus, we believe the power of technology can revolutionize local government operations. We excel at implementing and customizing OnBase Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions that allow government agencies to streamline their processes, enhance efficiency, and better serve their communities. Our strategic partnerships with local city governments have delivered tangible results.

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Prabakar Kumar

Future-Proofing Government Building Departments: Tackling Staff Shortages with Accela

In many communities, the building industry is going gangbusters. City skylines are dotted with cranes, abandoned structures are finding new uses, and communities are thriving with new residents and amenities. Although such activity is good for those communities at large, the growth in building permit volume has exposed a two-pronged problem for building department directors and chief building officials: What is to be done about the looming retirements of inspectors, plans examiners, and code officials; and what is to be done about the lack of a pipeline to replace them?

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Prabakar Kumar

Best Practices for IT Network Optimization: A Guide from 3SG Plus

Businesses rely heavily on their IT networks for smooth operations, communication, and service delivery. Optimizing these networks is crucial to ensure efficiency, security, and scalability. At 3SG Plus, we specialize in helping clients optimize their IT networks through cutting-edge solutions and industry best practices. 3SG Plus can assist your organization apply these best practices to build a robust and efficient network.

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Prabakar Kumar

Optimize People and Processes with OnBase Workflow

Today’s businesses experience increased demand for document processing. While excess demand indicates growth and opportunity, it can also lead to bottlenecks and inefficiencies when documentation demands are high, which can create delays and disruptions. Many organizations realize that their existing systems need enhanced workflow capabilities to stay competitive and efficient. OnBase is a robust enterprise content management system that connects business processes, so documents can be accessed and shared and tasks can be automated to improve organizational efficiency.

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Prabakar Kumar

Modernize Productivity with OnBase Mobile

For many employees, having access to vital information on the go is no longer a luxury but a necessity. OnBase by Hyland is a comprehensive enterprise content management (ECM) system designed to enhance document management and workflow process automation. The OnBase Mobile experience ensures that your team stays connected, productive, and efficient–no matter where employees are.

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