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Prabakar Kumar

Accelerating Urban Development with Accela Civic Platform

Projects like constructing new buildings and renovating infrastructure hinge on timely permits acquisition and swift inspections. However, bureaucratic red tape and inefficient processes often lead to delays, which cost time and money for all stakeholders involved. Accela’s Civic Access platform shrinks turnaround times and streamline workflows for urban development projects.

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Prabakar Kumar

Revolutionize Field Operations with Accela Mobile

Government organizations face increasing pressure to provide effective and efficient services to constituents and contractors. Access to building, inspections, and permitting software is necessary for all staff assigned to land development projects. How do staff access the necessary platforms if most of their work is completed outside the office? Accela Mobile offers access to office platforms, so field staff can be productive outside the confines of traditional workspaces.

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Prabakar Kumar

Building Compliance with Accela Civic Platform

Ensuring compliance is like constructing a sturdy building. Just as a builder relies on a toolbox filled with essential tools to streamline the construction process, government agencies need reliable solutions to simplify compliance efforts. If a construction toolbox contains a variety of tools tailored to specific tasks, then the Accela Civic Platform offers a suite of applications designed to address regulatory compliance to meet the diverse needs of various government agencies.

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