Blogs and latest updates

Prabakar Kumar

Unlocking Efficiency and Compliance with Accela Civic Platform’s Licensing Solutions

Government agencies that manage numerous licensing processes must ensure compliance and transparency. The Accela Civic Platform addresses these needs with its comprehensive licensing solutions for business, occupational, and short-term rental licenses. These cloud-based platforms streamline application processes, automate workflows, and enhance communication between agencies and license holders.

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Prabakar Kumar

A Unified, Scalable Solution for Municipalities

Businesses across the United States use a variety of business applications to complete work. As municipalities scale up to support growth, the number of applications required also grows. Platform consolidation with data integration and a singular, cohesive user interface offers government agencies increased productivity, enhanced collaboration, and cost-savings. The Accela Civic Platform is a robust, scalable software solution designed to empower local governments with efficiency, transparency, and citizen-centric services.

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Prabakar Kumar

Transform Business Licensing with Accela and 3SG Plus

Local and state government agencies must embrace digital transformation to stay efficient and responsive. The Accela Civic Platform offers robust business licensing solutions that streamline operations and reduce administrative burdens. The platform provides an integrated, user-friendly interface that simplifies the entire licensing process from application to renewal. Agencies that utilize the Accela platform can ensure compliance, improve transparency, and enhance service delivery to businesses and citizens.

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Prabakar Kumar

Embrace Digital Government with OnBase and 3SG Plus

State and local governments find themselves at a crossroads: Agencies can embrace digital technology and move forward, or they can continue utilizing paper processes and risk falling behind. Despite budget constraints and limited resources, adopting digital government initiatives far outweigh the costs of maintaining current businesses processes. By embracing digital transformation, IT modernization, and platform consolidation, governments position themselves to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

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Prabakar Kumar

Mapping Success: Accela’s Partnership with ESRI GIS

Government planning and permitting teams need to visualize and manage data efficiently. ESRI’s graphical information system (GIS) software helps planning and permitting departments collect, manage, and analyze spatial data. Through comprehensive mapping and data visualization, GIS provides insights into land parcels and displays zoning and land use entitlements.

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Prabakar Kumar

Enhance Fire Department Operations with 3SG Plus and Accela

Unexpected disasters can have lasting impacts on a community’s economic resiliency. Preparedness can be the difference between manageable property damage and large-scale devastation. Fire regulation and oversight are key with recurring fire inspections, permitting, and plan review serving as the first line of defense against irreparable damage or loss of life.

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Prabakar Kumar

3SG’s Professional and Managed Services for Accela

3SG Plus specializes in delivering customized Accela software deployments, but we don’t stop there. As an authorized Accela reseller, integrator, and professional services provider, our goal is to ensure your systems are optimized and maintained to support your long term-growth and success.

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Prabakar Kumar

Future-Proofing Government Building Departments: Tackling Staff Shortages with Accela

In many communities, the building industry is going gangbusters. City skylines are dotted with cranes, abandoned structures are finding new uses, and communities are thriving with new residents and amenities. Although such activity is good for those communities at large, the growth in building permit volume has exposed a two-pronged problem for building department directors and chief building officials: What is to be done about the looming retirements of inspectors, plans examiners, and code officials; and what is to be done about the lack of a pipeline to replace them?

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Prabakar Kumar

Transform Your Building Projects with Accela from 3SG Plus

Efficiently managing building projects can be challenging, but the Accela Civic Platform configured by 3SG Plus can streamline the process. Our powerful solution automates permitting, inspections, and project management to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow from start to finish.

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Prabakar Kumar

Building and Planning Trends for State and Local Government

State and local governments face increasing pressure to modernize their building and planning processes. Modernization is essential to address the growing demands of urban development, sustainability, and community engagement. Recent trends in building and planning reflect a shift towards more efficient, transparent, and citizen-centric approaches. 3SG Plus is an authorized Accela platform reseller, integrator, and professional services provider. By leveraging our Accela offerings, state and local governments can modernize building and planning processes to enhance their operational capabilities and public service delivery.

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