Blogs and latest updates

Prabakar Kumar

White Paper: Key Considerations before Issuing a Permitting/Licensing Software RFP

For government agencies, the Request for Proposal (RFP) process is intended to help identify a cost effective solution or service that will help achieve business goals. RFPs are issued to modernize traditional paper-based permitting and licensing solutions to increase efficiency and citizen satisfaction. However, RFPs for permitting and licensing solutions require careful consideration to ensure a successful deployment. At 3SG Plus, we believe there are five critical items agencies should consider before issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for permitting and licensing software.

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Prabakar Kumar

Leveraging 3SG Plus to Enhance IT Infrastructures for the Healthcare Industry

For healthcare providers to deliver superior patient care, organizations must ensure their IT environments can meet fluctuating needs. From streamlining operations to fortifying cybersecurity measures, the right IT infrastructure can significantly impact patient care and organizational efficiency. 3SG Plus offers a variety of IT solutions that can transform the healthcare industry.

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Prabakar Kumar

Press Release: 3SG Plus Welcomes New CEO, Griffin Schultz

3SG Plus, a leading technology solutions provider in Ohio, is pleased to announce the appointment of Griffin Schultz as its new Chief Executive Officer and Board Chair. With over two decades of experience in the tech industry, almost a decade in government, and a passion for leveraging technology to improve lives, Griffin is excited to join the 3SG Plus team. He will replace Kumar Buvanendaran.

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3SG Plus: What Sets Us Apart

We’ve all experienced those moments—sitting in a conference room, being pitched by a vendor about why their products and services are the perfect fit for

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