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Prabakar Kumar

OnBase Solutions for State and Local Government

Government agencies benefit from an enterprise content management (ECM) system that streamlines operations, enhances service delivery, and reduces administrative burdens. Through our partnership with Hyland, 3SG Plus deploys and managed OnBase ECM solutions that revolutionize how government agencies operate.

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Prabakar Kumar

Embrace Digital Government with OnBase and 3SG Plus

State and local governments find themselves at a crossroads: Agencies can embrace digital technology and move forward, or they can continue utilizing paper processes and risk falling behind. Despite budget constraints and limited resources, adopting digital government initiatives far outweigh the costs of maintaining current businesses processes. By embracing digital transformation, IT modernization, and platform consolidation, governments position themselves to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

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Prabakar Kumar

Mapping Success: Accela’s Partnership with ESRI GIS

Government planning and permitting teams need to visualize and manage data efficiently. ESRI’s graphical information system (GIS) software helps planning and permitting departments collect, manage, and analyze spatial data. Through comprehensive mapping and data visualization, GIS provides insights into land parcels and displays zoning and land use entitlements.

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Prabakar Kumar

Enhance Fire Department Operations with 3SG Plus and Accela

Unexpected disasters can have lasting impacts on a community’s economic resiliency. Preparedness can be the difference between manageable property damage and large-scale devastation. Fire regulation and oversight are key with recurring fire inspections, permitting, and plan review serving as the first line of defense against irreparable damage or loss of life.

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Prabakar Kumar

3SG’s Guide to OnBase for Financial Institutions

Financial institutions across the United States require an enterprise content management (ECM) system that can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance. OnBase by Hyland offers a range of functionalities designed to optimize content management for financial institutions to enhance operations, improve customer service, and ensure regulatory compliance.

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Prabakar Kumar

3SG’s Professional and Managed Services for Accela

3SG Plus specializes in delivering customized Accela software deployments, but we don’t stop there. As an authorized Accela reseller, integrator, and professional services provider, our goal is to ensure your systems are optimized and maintained to support your long term-growth and success.

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